Lorraine LaPointe

Lorraine LaPointe

July 2, 1948 - January 18, 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Lorraine LaPointe at the age of 74 years.

She leaves behind her beloved husband Robert LeBuffe;
her children: Angela, Bobby and Randy;
her grandchildren,
sister Jeannette, and brothers: Leonard and Norbert;
also other family members and friends.

The burial will take place at a later date.

Your expressions of sympathy can be translated into a donation to a Cancer foundation of your choice.

Professional services have been entrusted to the Henri Thibodeau Funeral Home Inc., a subsidiary of the HG Division network certified Distinction by the Corporation des thanatologues du Québec and by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec.

The management and staff of HG Divsion offer their deepest sympaties to the family and thank them for their trust.

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