Les Salons Funéraires J.F. Fortin & Fils de Chandler vous font part du décès de M. Pierrot Lapierre survenu au CISSS de la Gaspésie de Chandler le 19 novembre 2023 à l’âge de 62 ans et 3 mois.
Il était le fils de feu M. Armand Lapierre et de Dame Jacqueline Leblanc demeurant à Edmonton et sa famille de Chandler.
Il laisse dans le deuil,
sa mère: Dame Jacqueline Leblanc,
3 sœurs: Pierrette, Claudie (Alain) et Nathalie (Dominic),
2 frères: Michel et Daniel,
1 neveu: Simon (Anabelle),
plusieurs tantes, oncles, cousins, cousines, ainsi que de nombreux parents et ami(e)s.
La famille recevra vos condoléances le vendredi 24 novembre 2023 de 15h à 16h50 au salon funéraire de Chandler situé au 275 Commerciale Ouest à Chandler. Une liturgie de la parole aura lieu au salon à 16h50 et de là au Columbarium J.F. Fortin de Chandler.
Les services professionnels ont été confiés aux Salons Funéraires J.F. Fortin & Fils, une filiale du réseau HG Division certifiée Distinction par la Corporation des thanatologues du Québec et par le Bureau de normalisation du Québec.
La direction et le personnel de HG Division offrent leurs plus sincères condoléances à la famille et la remercient pour sa confiance.
La direction des funérailles a été confiée aux Salons Funéraires J.F. Fortin & Fils du 275 Commerciale Ouest à Chandler.
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN
For love in Heaven They say there is a reason, They say time will heal Neither time nor reason will change the way I feel Gone are the days we used to share But in my heart you are always there The gates of memories will never close I miss more than anybody knows Pierre you been gone for one year you are so truly miss by family and friends forever a broken heart 💔 till we meet again love always and forever JOANN